Jim Lambie
‘Spiral Scratch’

Installation view ‘Spiral Scratch’, Pacific Place, Admiralty, Hong Kong, 2018
Wooden ladders, mirrors, household matt, gloss, fluorescent paint, concrete plinths
Dimensions Variable

The luminous-coloured ladders stretch towards the ceiling at angles that recall their functionality. Yet here these commonplace objects have deliberately been stripped of all utility by mirrors installed between the rungs. The combination results in a kaleidoscopic interaction of colour, shape and form that beguiles the viewer with its familiarity, while intriguing them with its reversal.

“Spiral Scratch deliberately looks to change the space it occupies, redirecting the rhythm and psychological dynamics in much the same way putting a record can. As the black and white floor-work swells through Garden Court the space grows and shrinks, pulling the viewer through the space, only for the ladders to demand attention by showing new perspectives in their unexpected reflections,” said Jim Lambie.